
Susan has taught courses in various aspects of painting and printmaking for adult groups. 

Examples of courses held recently are: 

Collage - Tenby Museum and Art Gallery
Monoprinting - National Maritime Museum and Art Matters gallery, Tenby
Watercolour - Pembrokeshire Arts Club and National Maritime Museum
Acrylic Portraits - Tenby Arts Society
Drawing on the Thames - National Maritime Museum
Collage and Drawing on the River on HMS President - for Somerset House
Public Drawing Workshop for National Drawing Week - Tenby Museum and Art Gallery and Queen's Hall Narberth 09
Into the Abstract collage as a start to abstract painting - Tenby Museum and Art Gallery
Reduction Linocut Printmaking - Llanthony Art Courses, Abergavenny
Out of collage, into the abstract - Kings St Gallery, Carmarthen 
Reduction Linocut Printing - Oriel Q Gallery, Narberth

Susan enjoys teaching and is a crusader for a ‘hands on’ approach for everyone. She is particularly keen, in these days of computer-generated graphics, to keep alive the appreciation of hand-made artist’s prints with their incomparable vibrancy and freshness.